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Voting- Round 36
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Athlete Name:  Connor Matherne
School:  Covenant Christian
Sport:  Baseball
Why was this Athlete nonimated:  He was 2-for-3 with two ...
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Athlete Name:  Carsen Hebert
School:  Covenant Christian
Sport:  Baseball
Why was this Athlete nonimated:  He went 3-for-3 with three ...
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Athlete Name:  Owen Schexnaydre
School:  Vandebilt
Sport:  Baseball
Why was this Athlete nonimated:  He went 2-for-3 with two ...
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Athlete Name:  Landon Rogers
School:  Vandebilt
Sport:  Baseball
Why was this Athlete nonimated:  He went 2-for-3 with two ...
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Athlete Name:  Drew Pitre
School:  South Terrebonne
Sport:  Baseball
Why was this Athlete nonimated:  He had three RBIs in ...
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Athlete Name:  Jackson Martin
School:  South Terrebonne
Sport:  Baseball
Why was this Athlete nonimated:  He went 3-for-3 with three ...
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Athlete Name:  Chris Gravois
School:  E.D. White
Sport:  Track and Field
Why was this Athlete nonimated:  Chris Gravois won the 200 ...
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Athlete Name:  Owen Tauzin
School:  E.D. White
Sport:  Track and Field
Why was this Athlete nonimated:  Owen Tauzin led the Cardinals ...
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Athlete Name:  Jordan Adams
School:  H.L. Bourgeois
Sport:  Track and Field
Why was this Athlete nonimated:  He finished third in the ...
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Athlete Name:  Connor Biello
School:  Thibodaux
Sport:  Track and Field
Why was this Athlete nonimated:  He placed second overall in ...
Comments: (0)
Athlete Name:  Emma Bourg
School:  Houma Christian
Sport:  Track and Field
Why was this Athlete nonimated:  She was first in the ...
Comments: (0)
Athlete Name:  Ke'Yona Gabriel
School:  Central Lafourche
Sport:  Track and Field
Why was this Athlete nonimated:  The TCU signee won the ...
  1 2       Viewing: 1-12 of 17
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Barker Honda Player of the Week 2021

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